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                About WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc.

                About WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc.

                WiMi Hologram Cloud, Inc.(NASDAQ: WIMI) focuses on computer vision hologram cloud services. WiMi is one of China’s outstanding hologram cloud industry entities in terms of scale, industrial chain and performance, and aims to become a hologram cloud platform with potential and international influence.

                WiMi Hologram Cloud, Inc.(NASDAQ: WIMI),is a holographic cloud comprehensive technical solution provider that focuses on professional areas including holographic AR automotive HUD software, 3D holographic pulse LiDAR, head-mounted light field holographic equipment, holographic semiconductor, holographic cloud software, holographic car navigation and others. Its services and holographic AR technologies include holographic AR automotive application, 3D holographic pulse LiDAR technology, holographic vision semiconductor technology, holographic software development, holographic AR advertising technology, holographic AR entertainment technology, holographic ARSDK payment, interactive holographic communication and other holographic AR technologies.

                WiMi has made major breakthroughs and leap-forward development in holographic applications such as advertising, entertainment, education, 5G communications and so on, aims at in-depth R&D and market applications in all aspects of holographic 3D computer visual collection, AI synthesis, transmission, presentation, and application, is committed to building a highly expandable and open service platform, builds a bridge between holographic technology application and holographic computer vision presentation, realizing the application and presentation of holographic computer vision in different scenarios, and promoting the leap-forward development of the industry in order to realize WiMi’s vision to “become the creator of China’s holographic ecology”.

                Domestic BBS:
                BBS abroad:

                Holographic cloud application platform

                • The platform layer

                  Holographic data management platform
                  Holographic media asset management platform
                  Holographic advertising service platform
                  Holographic audio-visual integrated operation platform
                • System layer

                  Holographic analysis system Holographic capture system
                  Holographic tracking system
                  Holographic marking system
                  Holographic recognition system
                  Holographic mutual assistance system
                • The application layer

                  Graphic implantation module ,Accurately capture module
                  Accurate tracking module
                  Data analysis module
                  Data mining module
                  Data management module
                  Data acquisition module
                  Matching arithmetic module
                  Holographic effect add module
                  Pixel level precision positioning module

                Development Strategy

                In recent years, WiMi has made outstanding achievements in the output of holographic AR advertising and entertainment technology. It is promoting the wide application of holographic technology in more industries and expanding its leading position in the industry. WiMi will also continue to expand its reserves of high-quality holographic computer vision, and will pay special attention to the development and acquisition of computer vision in the entertainment and education fields in the short and medium term. WiMi will continue to focus on technology research and development, including general holographic technology and client software, and improve big data and artificial intelligence capabilities. WiMi will expand the base of customers and partners in various industries and deepen cooperation. WiMi seeks strategic cooperation, acquisition and investment opportunities on a global scale, which has helped the rapid development and rise of the industry and promoted the global holographic digitalization process.
                • First mover advantage

                  The holographic AR industry has just started, and industry pioneers can generate huge advantages. Due to the particularity of the industry, pioneer companies mastering high-quality holographic imaging technology and content will have the greatest brand influence on all market segments.
                • Scale advantage

                  Industry participants with a first-mover advantage can take advantage of economies of scale in the reduction of unit output costs brought about by the increase in scale. With technology, talent and marketing investment, industry-leading companies have established a solid brand image. Industry-leading companies with scale advantages have formed barriers to entry in various industries, inhibiting competitors from expanding their scale and improving their strength.
                • Outstanding holographic AR technician

                  To successfully transform AR and holographic technology from the scientific and technological field to mainstream applications, excellent technicians are needed. To be successful in the new holographic AR field, not only technical talents, but also management and marketing talents are needed.
                • Sufficient funds

                  The holographic AR industry has just started, and industry pioneers can generate huge advantages. Due to the particularity of the industry, pioneer companies mastering high-quality holographic imaging technology and content will have the greatest brand influence on all market segments.
                • Brand and channel advantage

                  Holographic AR as a whole new technology, brands and channels advantages are the critical success factors. The accurate market positioning of the company and the corresponding marketing capabilities can set up the brand image and expand the channels of coverage, which constitute a key competitive advantage.
                • Holographic AR content R&D and innovation

                  Having a strong holographicAR content R&D and innovation ability can bring huge competitive advantages to the company’s industry. Strong AR content R&D capabilities can promote consumers to more quickly accept and apply holographic AR technology, thereby promoting the development of the entire holographic AR industry.
                WiMi-5G life in the future

                Industry advantage

                The holographic 3D computer vision industry is a highly simulated stereoscopic 3D computer vision formed by holographic computer vision data collection through more than dozens of cameras for complex image information collection and computer synthesis technology. Holographic computer vision presentation is a fixed-end or mobile-end projection device that allows people to see the image of 3D computer vision holographic computer vision and the real world. It is a way to realize AR. Holographic computer vision and AR related technologies have broad application prospects. Application scenarios include but are not limited to holographic theater, holographic cinema, holographic education, holographic advertising, holographic entertainment, holographic exhibitions, holographic new retail, holographic high-end home applications, holographic vehicles, holographic social, holographic communication, etc.

                AR markets around the world

                • >US $500 billion

                  The global holographic AR market
                  is expected to exceed 500 billion in 2025
                • 5% (US $45 billion)

                  Video, voice and instant communication will be
                  realized through the holographic AR platform in 2025
                • 48%

                  The smartphone market will be replaced
                  by future AR hardware and software in 2035
                • 28%

                  The e-commerce market will operate
                  through the future AR platform in 2025

                2017-2021 Year after growth

                2021-2025 Year after growth

                The interactivity and fun of holographic AR advertisements make up for consumers’ aesthetic fatigue of traditional advertisements; the rise of “life map” advertisements in offline office buildings and business districts promotes the three-dimensional development of holographic AR advertisements.

                Traditional entertainment and game terminals have been difficult to break through, competition in the industry has intensified, and consumers’ pursuit of entertainment and gaming experience will catalyze the widespread application of holographic AR entertainment and games.

                The strong support of the Ministry of Education, coupled with the unique advantages of holographic AR in abstract education, and the decline in hardware prices in the future.

                The continuous update and breakthrough of holographic AR hardware and content has made the application field of holographic AR more and more extensive.
                • WiMi has been in a leading position in the holographic industry.

                  WiMi has recently become the world’s leading holographic integrated solution provider - the number of holographic computer vision copyrights, holographic technology related patents and software copyrights are the number one in the industry.

                  WiMi’s capabilities cover multiple links from computer vision production, service platform construction, to cloud software development and technical support. Compared with other companies in the same industry, WiMi has a more comprehensive one-stop service capability.
                • WiMi’s strong and industry-leading technical strength

                  WiMi computer vision AI synthesis: The image information acquisition precision is about 10 times higher than the industry level, and the computer holographic vision AI synthesis processing capability is about 80% better than the industry average.

                  WiMi holographic computer vision presentation: setting multiple parameter dimensions to accurately control imaging, the simulation degree is as high as 98%, far exceeding the industry average.

                  WiMi holographic cloud software development: integrates multiple commercial and holographic technology functional modules to provide customers with one-stop solutions.
                • WiMi Hologram

                  Each object data acquisition area up to [500-550], more than 10 times higher than the industry average

                  High precision image boundary detection, dynamic identification, intelligent training boundary identification, block recognition and machine learning

                  Stitching algorithm for automatic synthesis technology combined with the distributed AI AI algorithm implementation, deep learning, automatic splicing, holographic synthesis, computer AI AI algorithm synthesis

                • Visual processing precision
                  Image recognition degree of AI
                  Visual AI synthesis speed
                • Holographic 3D visual processing general level

                  Each object data acquisition block only 40-50 []

                  Artificial eye recognition

                  Information data manual synthesis process

                Top visual AI production + professional visual presentation = simulation is as high as 98%

                Industry investment

                As an industry leader, WiMi has always paid great attention to industry development and industry research, and is committed to industrial investment in holographic AR to help the holographic AR industry and enterprises develop rapidly. It has invested in more than 17 high-quality upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain. The areas involved include: holographic AR interactive component design, holographic AR optical component development, holographic AR image development, holographic AR hardware/software development, holographic AR application expansion, and holographic AR platform construction and other related industry enterprises.

                The company will continue to increase the scale of industrial investment and industry research, and will establish a professional industrial investment fund to support companies and teams with great development potential and high growth in the industry, and to help and guide the rapid development of the industry. We welcome you to join!
