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                AI DeepFake

                Holographic AI in face of system development

                WiMi Based on WiMi current software development, and image processing and image recognition technology will be launched in 2019: video face replacement, machine learning based on artificial intelligence, change you see in the video face to face. The technology is based on the python implementation, by Scr (substitutes) video to extract B face, by DST (substituted) video extract A face, with GAN training, establish B face transform model, converting each frame DST video, will face all to replace each frame, new synthetic video and add the original audio output video .

                The same person can implement different holographic face replacement effect

                Technology is based on the python implementation, by Scr (substitutes) video to extract B face, by DST (substituted) video extract A face, with GAN training, establish B face transform model, converting each frame DST video, will face all to replace each frame, new synthetic video and add the original audio output video.
                • The first step

                • The second step

                • The third step

                The advantage of WiMi

                Requirements for raw material is no longer hard: even if there is no video, just part of the picture can also be face to replace; Automatic cutout: will face recognition from each frame images, and generate the background blank, the transparent layer of facial animation. Face the grid model. According to different face shape, can choose a variety of models, and there are more detail parameter adjustment, such as replacing the image feather, erosion parameters, etc. Vivid expression, there is no artificial trace: most of the existing system to generate the facial expressions of inflexible, most of the time like a sticker's face, and can't blink of an eye, and video can be WiMi has more details.

                The business model of WiMi

                • Cloud platform to build
                • Set up technical service cooperation
                • Video content production
                • social App
                • Celebrity faces license certification
                • Cloud platform to build

                  Work with hardware manufacturers and APP technical services: according to the B side market, for more short video APP, social APP through video holographic in face of technical services, increase the APP fun wide can guarantee try holographic in face of real-time video transmission, in addition some of the latest mobile phone built-in chip of artificial intelligence can also make use of all of the work force. WiMi using holographic change face video technology in self development at the same time establish technical service relationship with other APP, when their users to upload video, can choose with WiMi technology of video processing, to replace any human face in video, increase its APP user activity
                • Set up technical service cooperation

                  Work with hardware manufacturers and APP technical services: according to the B side market, for more short video APP, social APP through video holographic in face of technical services, increase the APP fun wide can guarantee try holographic in face of real-time video transmission, in addition some of the latest mobile phone built-in chip of artificial intelligence can also make use of all of the work force. WiMi using holographic change face video technology in self development at the same time establish technical service relationship with other APP, when their users to upload video, can choose with WiMi technology of video processing, to replace any human face in video, increase its APP user activity.
                • Video content production

                  Work with hardware manufacturers and APP technical services: according to the B side market, for more short video APP, social APP through video holographic in face of technical services, increase the APP interest, improve the activity and gelling degrees. WiMi has approached, and some brand mobile phone terminal department for built-in WiMi technology to the latest 5 g, because the bandwidth of the 5 g can ensure try holographic in face of real-time video transmission, in addition some of the latest mobile phone built-in chip of artificial intelligence can also make use of all of the work force. WiMi using holographic change face video technology in self development at the same time establish technical service relationship with other APP, when their users to upload video, can choose with WiMi technology of video processing, to replace any human face in video, increase its APP user activity.
                • Social App

                  Work with hardware manufacturers and APP technical services: according to the B side market, for more short video APP, social APP through video holographic in face of technical services, increase the APP fun wide can guarantee try holographic in face of real-time video transmission, in addition some of the latest mobile phone built-in chip of artificial intelligence can also make use of all of the work force. WiMi using holographic change face video technology in self development at the same time establish technical service relationship with other APP, when their users to upload video, can choose with WiMi technology of video processing, to replace any human face in video, increase its APP user activity.
                • Celebrity faces license certification

                  Work with hardware manufacturers and APP technical services: according to the B side market, for more short video APP, social APP through video holographic in face of technical services, increase the APP interest, improve the activity and gelling degrees. WiMi has approached, and some brand mobile phone terminal department for built-in WiMi technology to the latest 5 g, because the bandwidth of the 5 g can ensure try holographic in face of real-time video transmission, in addition some of the latest mobile phone built-in chip of artificial intelligence can also make use of all of the work force. WiMi using holographic change face video technology in self development at the same time establish technical service relationship with other APP, when their users to upload video, can choose with WiMi technology of video processing, to replace any human face in video, increase its APP user activity.

                Holographic video holographic change face business direction

                Video holographic in face of service fee:For the is C end of the market, on the cloud platform or app personal video holographic change face fee;

                Social app cooperation:For B end market, without his camera, like for more short video APP, holographic in face of social APP through the video to add interest, improve the activity and gelling degrees, cooperate with APP for technical service fee;

                Since the operating short video account:Set up their own short video social platform account, in the conventional short video and video platform, through the analysis of the current hot, to run multiple and star hologram in face of the short video account, accumulate fans, through TV advertising preheating, for movies stars surrounding, electrical contractor to take goods .

                Advertising services tailored:Provide commercial advertising, public relations company holographic in face of conversion service, video can be personalized advertising also used video holographic change face to advertise the crisis public relations.

                WiMi found two user groups, content contributors and content consumers, through the interview to seed users, WiMi identified the first user is divided into four categories:

                fans:The purpose of this class of users is only based on interest, want to see you love or hate is holographic in face, or personally involved in his face to the general population of the all stars web celebrity, including primary and middle school students, college students, they have enough time, greater demand for entertainment. Women is based on the purpose of make track for a star entertainment more, men have a small group is to satisfy his vision of a goddess. Among them there are both content contributors and content to consumers.

                Multimedia web celebrity:Not satisfied about their appearance, and keen to push yourself into a multimedia web celebrity, interested in video holographic change face extremely. Although this part of the group is small, but you can try by this small groups to build their own "virtual star".

                Industry practitioners:Film and television, film and television production company. They is a big demand for holographic technology in face, avoid the past need a ZhenZhen video holographic in face of time and manpower cost. Has the producer said, before dropping big IP, they are willing to lower the cost of looking for small actors for the audition, then the actor's face changed into big shots and form the demo, will greatly improve the professionalism of the casting.

                Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes):They desire for a small cost of marketing your product, or to increase interest, often on video holographic there is a great demand in the face. In advertising, the consumer of the mood, treat different groups with different "face", achieve cost reduction at the same time, accurate delivery to the target population.

