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                Education using scheme

                Holographic education cloud applications

                WiMi Hologram Cloud future classroom interactive teaching as a holographic overall solutions, integrated application of holographic and cloud technology, holographic, 3 d integration, AR and other innovation, creating interactive teaching courseware manufacture, use, study, assessment, management and other functions, to provide technology for cognitive science and education to learn, and plan layout of a series of courseware.

                WiMi Hologram Cloud classroom in the future

                By WiMi future classroom, into the learning environment, unable to see before you go to ground of contact, which makes learning is no longer the traditional boring text rendering or fixed image rendering, holographic technology can realize education is life, let the user more easily into the real learning scene, doing high school. WiMi Hologram Cloud future classroom building can not only images of education content, education means wisdom, life education method, education scene is actualized, more important is to let students prior contact with cutting edge technology performance means, cause the student to the love of science and technology, guides them to comprehensive pilot in the field of science and technology. WiMi Hologram Cloud future classroom use holographic, augmented reality, AR, 3 d technology such as teaching, not only can greatly improve the students' information literacy, and can improve the students' interest in learning, to break the traditional teaching of rote learning mode, the initiative back to student will learn.
                • WiMi Hologram Cloud 3D class

                  WiMi Hologram Cloud 3D class

                  Double plate display based on dual coding theory teaching mode, promote language learners' brain activation system and non-verbal system. At the same time realize the 2D and 3D teaching and each other at the same time, through the holographic 3D content of teaching resources, and stimulate students interest in learning, improve the teaching effect.

                • WiMi Hologram Cloud virtual science classroom

                  WiMi Hologram Cloud virtual science classroom

                  Provide unparalleled scene realistic learning environment for teachers and students, make students actively participate in the learning environment, students through teaching holographic 3D video internal structure and working principle of things will be more intuitive understanding, including the microscopic level. Breakthrough from the teaching content, to stimulate students knowledge, improve the teaching effect, the teacher will be liberated from the traditional model.

                • WiMi Hologram virtual room

                  WiMi Hologram virtual room

                  Immersive holographic experience, desktop type holographic and the integration of teaching. Starting from the disciplinary nature, by the high quality and subject inquiry experiment teaching resources as the core, integrating application software, platform, content, let the students learn from the real world extension in the virtual world, embodied the concept of the abstract, finally return to reality, mix, and promote to virtual to real, for learners to build highly development, natural interaction, immersive three-dimensional learning environment.

                • Experience WiMi3DAR Hologram experiment room

                  Experience WiMi3DAR Hologram experiment room

                  Biological, chemical, machinery, and is in danger of experiment and computer professional, exist in the process of training such as infection, such as corrosion, deflagration, get an electric shock risk. Through the AR experiment experience training system, students can advance in exercise training in virtual image, on the premise of shielding risk to achieve the effect of training, more deepen understanding of safety in production. Relative to the traditional technology has a better interactivity, experience and interest, used in the simulation practice teaching, they have the sense of more concentrated attention, called multiple senses to achieve different human-computer interaction.

                • WiMi Hologram entertainment science museum

                  WiMi Hologram entertainment science museum

                  Applications of holographic classroom in the education teaching, created a new field of teaching of "virtual", it is show and expression of education technology, is also one of the symbols of modernization and informatization education means extreme real hologram for people, things, things a high-fidelity reduction, not only can greatly improve the students' information literacy, and can improve the students' interest in learning, to break the traditional teaching of rote learning mode, the initiative back to student will learn.

