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                5G Application Solutions

                5G Holographic application

                With 5G holographic communication network bandwidth conditions change, 5G holographic application market will usher in explosion, holographic interactive entertainment, holographic meeting, holographic conferences and other high-end application gradually to holographic social, holographic communication, holographic navigation, holographic family application direction. We plan based on facial recognition technology and holographic holographic AI AI face in face technology as the core technology, using multiple holographic cloud platform service system of technological innovation support and 5G communications holographic applications.
                WiMi Hologram Cloud, Inc. taken by constructing multi-angle real-time modeling system: to all dimensions of image acquisition object scanning, real-time synthesis for three-dimensional model. More than six degrees of matrix light field system: light source, integrated use of build holographic imaging field of virtual images. Binocular parallax intelligence enhance system: acquisition in the process of dynamic tracking object trajectory and adjust the light, keep eyes bad equilibrium values. Multiple dynamic image fusion system: the narrow space of multidimensional wide-angle image acquisition technology, applied to cloud depending on the miniaturization of holographic stack. Holographic image high-speed processing algorithms: speed of image information processing, and ensure the rendering, processing rates up to 10 gb/s. Stealth polyester film: optical imaging holographic imaging, key components for holographic imaging showed perfect photo. Holographic virtual figure painting reconstruction Technology: using bone dynamic capture, image real-time rendering, speech recognition technology, voice simulation technology to present a virtual person. Holographic spectrum of cloud platforms: nationwide image acquisition and reduction, data storage, image restoration, holographic social attributes of the interactive platform. WiMi Hologram Cloud, Inc. beauty through the above system combination build complete 5G holographic communication application platform, online terminal and personal devices to support a variety of applications, while expanding holographic holographic family interaction, social communication, holographic star interaction, holographic holographic online meetings and other mainstream online education, 5G holographic applications.

                WiMi Hologram Cloud, Inc. business will combine with the depth of 5G, 5G in collaboration of high rate and low latency, remote communication and data transmission, from terminal to business server system transmission delay will average about 6 ms, well below the 4 g network transmission delay, ensure the full use, make our holographic holographic AR AR advertising business, and entertainment business, as well as the holographic interactive entertainment, holographic meeting, holographic social, holographic communication, holographic family holographic, etc., will be based on facial recognition technology and holographic 5G + AI AI face in face of technology of the core technology for effective growth.
