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                Advertising Applications Solutions

                Holographic cloud advertising application field

                The application field of holographic cloud advertising is divided into two types: online AR holographic implant advertising and offline holographic advertising platform. Online AR holographic implant advertising is the application of computer holographic vision in the field of video advertising. The offline holographic advertising platform publishes advertisements through special equipment such as light particle advertising machines, holographic glass advertising machines, and holographic window advertising machines.

                • Online augmented reality holographic advertising
                • Offline holographic advertising platform
                • Holographic scene ads

                  Online augmented reality holographic advertising is mainly used in the field of holographic scene recognition technology, make holographic scene ads holographic by computer vision technology is presented to end users and end users from video visual experience on this distinction, smooth with holographic advertising content.

                  In face of holographic items AI

                  Augmented reality holographic online advertising is mainly used in the field of holographic item identification technology, holographic item AI in face of advertising through holographic computer vision technology is presented to end users, end users from video visual experience on this distinction, smooth with holographic advertising content.

                • Offline holographic advertising platform

                  Offline holographic advertising platform is through the light particles, holographic glass advertising machine, holographic window advertising machine is special equipment such as holographic visual presentation of advertising applications. As offline customer demand for holographic visual increases, various kinds of holographic equipment in offline gradually popularization, holographic AR advertising presentation more can highlight products or brands, easy to impress people, offline holographic advertising effect is more and more recognized by advertisers.

                WiMi Hologram Cloud advertising advantage

                • coverage

                  WiMi Hologram Cloud have more distribution channels, the integrated advantage of application platform scale covering domestic mainstream customers.

                • Accurate delivery

                  WiMi Hologram Cloud using data resource integration to provide more accurate delivery.

                • The cost is low

                  WiMi Hologram Cloud on the media solution using the node type on the strategy, and take advantage in the platform The contents of advertisements on offer, decrease the cost of customer use.

                • The data analysis

                  Two-way WiMi Hologram Cloud for advertisers and media platform to provide data support, to help customers with two-way media platform optimization, to ensure the sustainable growth of platform raw state. WiMi Hologram Cloud can provide detailed data and custom on the depth report for holographic cloud WiMi ads provide dimensional analysis.

                • Openness and security

                  WiMi Hologram Cloud open API interface, but also to the customer to provide protection for media platform strategy, guarantee the interests of both sides, and to keep the benign development of WiMi Hologram Cloud advertising platform.

