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                Education IP

                Holographic IP education system development

                Holographic technology is introduced into education industry can solve the problem of a few major education industry, the first is the inequality of teaching resources, excellent teachers generally high concentration generally concentrated in some universities, while other than school students will not be able to enjoy the excellent teachers' teaching. Second, the scenario-based learning contents, teachers described to meet the real understanding, learn to stay in the layer theory. Third, the cost of study and experiment site space is limited, teaching plan teaching material purchase and storage cost is high. Micro meiyun coupon is planning to build a holographic teaching platform of teaching resources as the core, set many terminals, cloud platform, artificial intelligence into an organic whole, the concept of the abstract situation, the visualization. The famous teacher make seriation courseware, reduce unequal education area. Highly integrated, highly immersion of courseware, highly interactive solutions, subversion of traditional teaching environment, and greatly improved the teaching quality. Creating holographic laboratory practice virtualization to experiment, improve the efficiency of the experiment, frequency, safety, reduce the experiment cost. Real teaching online, real-time transmission to the scene through holographic data distribution system into the terminal holographic teaching, make each terminal can be immersive real-time interactive learning subversive teaching mechanism, a few core problems.
                Production of standardized holographic holographic holographic courseware teaching and teaching contents cover
                WiMi reserves for a total of 4654, 2961 of which is used for the content of the education scenario, 103 for popular science content, can be applied in the field of education industry.
                • 4654

                  Holographic content
                • 2961

                  Education scene
                • 103

                  The popular science content

                Holographic cloud future classroom teaching resources as the core, set many terminals, cloud platform, artificial intelligence into an organic whole, the abstract concept of contextualization, visualization of courseware highly integrated, highly immersion, highly interactive solutions, subversion of traditional teaching environment, and greatly improved the teaching quality. Holographic cloud future classroom interactive teaching as a holographic overall solution, will create interactive teaching courseware manufacture, use, study, assessment, management and other functions for cognitive science and education to learn technology, and plan layout of a series of courseware.

                Holographic future classroom into holographic, AR, 3 d, virtual and other new education teaching idea, on the basis of the Internet of things and big data integration holographic new classroom teaching environment. At the same time satisfy the following goals:

                In the teaching space, support a seamless integration of the physical space and virtual space;
                In the teaching process, and support for each link before, class, after class of universal coverage;
                On the teaching contents, support for convenient use resources of different disciplines,
                On the teaching mode, support positive interaction between the related subjects of teaching activities, support the restructuring and model innovation of the teaching process.
